Two Rabbits One Hole

Jeannette DePalma It's time to tell the truth

Episode Summary

This is the first episode in our series investigating ritual murder in North Jersey. Jeanette’s body was recovered in a quarry six weeks after she went missing on September 19th of 1972. It's April 22nd 2022 almost 50 years since the recovery and all we know is that strangulation may have been the cause of death. We do know that she left the house with her pocketbook and large crucifix necklace which were never recovered, maybe.. We do know that the close knit bedroom community where she lived was secretly filled with teens practicing witchcraft and satanic sacrifices. We also know that at the time several serial killers were hunting for victims in the area. In addition, we have dueling descriptions of the crime scene by trained crime scene investigators with one department saying it was a ritual sacrifice while the other says it was a typical crime scene. The only book written on the murder peters out into a multiple choice guess at who may have murdered Jeanette at the end... Honestly, what the f*ck is going on here? In an effort to bring a fresh perspective to a cold case that so desperately needs one we've contacted a local team known as "Justice for Jeanette" to hear what they have to say, after all, they are the only group investigating the case who actually grew up in the area and still actively live there. This group includes a private detective who helped save runaway children, a member of the DePalma family who has since passed away and a film maker. This group continues to gain momentum and good press while they conduct their investigation. You'll hear from them and also... our own Witness G has a few thoughts of his own that might just be right on the money!

Episode Notes

Check out this weird piece of self immolation via filmmaking by the Drama coach accused of having an affair with Patty List before the list Family murders 10 months before Jeanette disappeared

Here's a link to the Justice for Jeanette Facebook page, please help them in their quest to find out the truth.

Here's a link to the Oprah interview with the Aquino's featuring Lillith (Sinclair) Aquino and her goofy husband Michael who shot himself in the head recently, the Aquino's are quite a rabbit hole... enjoy!

Finally, here's a link to the Geraldo show talking about the Murder Suicide of Tommy Sullivan                  Also, thanks to Amy and her record company for this excellent cover!